This love letter/guest post was written by my pal and fellow soccer parent, Nila Rosen.

I never thought that I would I would be co-parenting with anyone else but the person who got me pregnant 11 years ago, but I am ”” and it’s not due to divorce or separation. In fact, I am still married to that same guy that demanded specific high-end appetizers at our wedding (and I’m still thankful to him, as they [turned out to be] the only thing that I ate ”‹the entire night.)  but I have also found someone else. and I’ve fallen for her.

Sarah, you are my soccer co-parent, and you make my life better. let me count the ways my world has improved since you swept me off my feet by offering to share twice-weekly driving responsibilities.

It’s not just gas we’re saving; this relationship offers me so much more:

1) Time. You give me one extra hour to accomplish of all the crap that I have to do on a daily basis, some of which I haven’t even figured out before soccer practice starts in the afternoon.

2) Fitness. You make sure that my butt is not widening by being glued to the seat of my automobile once, twice, or even four times a week, when you cut my driving burden in half.

3) brain Power. You remind me of details (field locations, jersey colors) that I can’t seem to keep track of, no matter how many times I add them to my Google calendar.

4) Nourishment. You provide extra snacks to my child when I have forgotten to pack one. I don’t care if they are healthy or not. I don’t ask.

5) Affirmation. You call at 8 am on Saturday morning with the same frantic voice that I have inside my head, wondering if I’m keeping it all together. It turns out, we’re fine.

6) extended family. Your offspring have become “car siblings” with my child. I don’t have to ask you if I can put your name down on all of those emergency forms I have to fill out; I just do it.
7) Socialization. You teach my child manners in that “it takes a village” way — to say thank you to the person who has just chauffeured him/her around for the past half hour. and my child learns not to take that vital service for granted.

8”‹) Companionship. You offer witty adult conversation when we are watching a game, so that I can not only watch my child’s tenth ”‹soccer ”‹game of the season, but I can feed my soul at the same time. (No offense, kid.)

9) Community. You live in my hood and can be relied on for other things in a pinch. I’m so happy you don’t live all the way across town.

As our children’s activity commitments continue to get bigger and more complicated, I need you more than ever.

I wish that everyone could find what we have.

Let’s go away together. I’ll drive.

photo credit: ABSC soccer on Flickr

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