I have a soft spot for this contest entry from Damselfly because I played Mary at the church Christmas pageant for several years (although always with a doll… and always as a distracted teenager) and I think it’s pretty darn fun to ride donkeys too (that’s a story for another day)!

The holiday season is here, along with a great opportunity for your family to be part of a re-enactment. For example, numerous churches celebrate Christmas with re-enactments of the manger scene, complete with a holy family (Jesus, Mary and Joseph). If your bambino is small enough, your family might be just what a local church is searching for in a baby Jesus.

When a friend’s friend was searching for a young baby to be Jesus in a recent portrayal of the first Christmas (yes, it was a few months early), she asked my family because our child was around one month old. The re-enactment crew dressed us up in ancient-looking clothes — and as Mary, I got to ride a live donkey! All eyes were on our baby as people came and looked ahead to the holiday season. The photos will be fun to share with our child when he’s older.

She suggests that for the rest of the year, we ought to be on the lookout for local groups that participate in war re-enactments or other historical event that have local significance.

Christmas pageant reenactment starring your baby

Don’t forget to take lots of photos — that’s the cardinal guideline whenever costumes are involved. thanks Damselfly!

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