ADORABLE as well as affordable things TO HANG FROM YOUR CHILD’S CEILING

When I was embellishing Scarlett’s room, I needed some color to break up the white wall as well as to bring the pinks as well as oranges together into a more cohesive color story. I bought these honeycomb spheres for about $3 each as well as hung them from the ceiling. (Affiliate link)

I believed they would be wonderful for a baby’s room, too, as well as discovered all kind of tissue poufs, even prettier ones, on (Save 15% via this link)

I asked to send me some to play with, as well as then my mind started wandering to all the different visuals that excite me more than the electronic mobile I had hanging above my son’s crib.

Our contributor Laura from Oakland Avenue DIY’d this garland from felt spheres that she bought on etsy.

I liked seeing this on her blog since my elementary institution buddy Sharon Montrose is the professional photographer of these infant animals.

Laura likewise utilized Christmas tree ornament felt animals together with a few of the felt spheres to produce a simple mobile.

Courtney from Bowdenisms hung this material scrap mobile in her child Piper’s room, utilizing this mobile spider clip thing.

Heather produced this quirky star Wars mobile with R2D2 silhouettes after being influenced by Jen’s vespa mobile. Both utilized the exact same picture clip hanging gadget as Courtney.

Does your kid have a mobile? Do you utilize it?

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