A Deliciously Ella inspired Detox

‘Eat Food. Not too Much. mostly Plants’.

Michael Pollan.

What can I say? I’m pretty impressionable, particularly when it concerns anything health-wise.

I want to feel and OK, look, my best and I’ve never felt this much more because having kids because like all parents, we simply want to be strong and well for our kids, as much as ourselves.

Going sugar-free these last few weeks has been a bit of an epiphany for me, yes I never ate tonnes of the white stuff but curbing it and focusing on the pure forms of sugar: fruit, honey and maple syrup, and eating my mostly healthy Mediterranean diet has given me much more energy and made me happier than before. So I thought why not take things to the next level, and over the last few days, I’ve started a little Deliciously Ella inspired vegan detox too.

Oh and the whole Beyonce vegan thing might have encouraged me a little too. I did tell you I was impressionable! Not sure the ‘I still eat meat’ while you’re selling your diet Bee was the best relocation but hello ho!

Today is day 3 as a vegan and I have to say, so far I feel flipping ah-mazing.

I did Carol Vorderman’s detox diet years (and years) ago and felt good with glowing skin, bright eyes and a bushy tail (aka big shiny hair) and getting back to plants and pulses is making my body pleased so far.

I’m going to see how long this feels best and heck if it works well for me, I might just make the transition full time. who knows!

I love Ella’s stunning book and blog and can’t wait to hear her speak at BritMums live this weekend (I’m honoured to be speaking at the festival about my profession too), I love that she turned her health around with her clean diet, and I adore that going back to basics can improve body and mind.

But what do you eat you cry?

So I’m chomping lots of pulses: beans, chickpeas, lentils, hummus, gluten totally free bread and pasta, every fruit and vegetable under the sun (literally), sunflower spread, olive oil, coconut oil, oats and oat milk, cocoa, corn (fresh popping corn), quinoa, sweet potatoes and brown rice and rice flour, products and Pinterest is certainly my pal (make that my best friend) and I’ve even started a Deliciously Vegan board if you fancy following it.

I have felt a little much more hungry than typical these last few days, but I think it’s because I need to eat up my portion size as plants are not that calorie dense, but I’m loving experimenting with veggie curries, homemade hummus and lots of soups.

Don’t worry, I’ll still be sharing non-vegan dishes over on Tasty Tuesdays for my meat lovers and the kids and spouse are still eating their typical diet with a few much more veggie dishes thrown in.

…Who know where this journey will take me, I’m reading up on the benefits of veganism online, of which there are so many, it prevents cancer, diabetes, obesity, is remarkable for skin, hair and nails and energy levels and of course is kind to animals.

One thing I’ll be stocking up on is Vitamin B12 though, something vegans need to add to their diet as low levels can be dangerous.

So far, I’ve felt much more energised than ever before, it did take me a while to sleep last night, but I think it’s due to feeling so flipping invigorated, and one thing I’ve discovered over the weekend is this wave of serenity that’s taken over me.

It’s remarkable what a tonne of plants can do for a girl.

Tonight I have a date with OINTB on Netflix and a bowl of quinoa and roasted veg.

Who’s fancy joining me?

Linking up to Bod For Tea’s #sharethejoylinky

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