At six weeks pregnant the whole situation can seem a little surreal still. everything about becoming a mom is new and exciting, and of course a bit scary too. many moms cannot wait to go in for their 6 week ultrasound because it offers them some peace of mind. This is typically the very earliest that you will have an ultrasound because there is not much to see via the sonogram before this point. In fact, most doctors will not do an ultrasound until around 12 weeks.

What To know about 6 Week Ultrasounds

Everything to know about Ultrasounds

Okay, so you probably get that an ultrasound involves seeing your baby on a screen and some goop being rubbed on your tummy, but beyond that, you might not really know what all is involved in an ultrasound appointment. first things first, many doctors won’t even have you come in until you are 8 or 9 weeks pregnant. While it is hard to be patient and wait this long, you will be able to see much more by this point. Whether your first ultrasound is at week 6 or week 9, we’ve pulled together some tidbits to prepare you.

An ultrasound is the procedure happening and the sonogram is the photograph that is produced. An ultrasound is a scan of your abdomen and pelvic area. Vaginal ultrasounds are very common at six weeks. Don’t be surprised, if this is what your doctor suggests. It is important to understand that ultrasounds are not x-rays, and are completely safe. It is non-invasive and typically will only last 15-30 min. The exciting part of getting an ultrasound is definitely seeing your baby and eventually finding out if you are having a boy or girl, but what makes ultrasounds so important is that they allow your doctor to get a close look at how your little one is developing. They are used to check the heartbeat, determine a due date, and monitor a wide variety of medical milestones for your baby.

What to know about the 6 Week Ultrasound

All about the Appointment

While your doctor may not require it, it’s a good idea to go into the ultrasound appointment with a full bladder. They say it allows the technician to get a clearer view of both your baby and the reproductive organs. drink 2-4 cups of water about an hour before your appointment. As hard as it may be, try not to ease your bladder until the appointment has concluded.

You will lay on the exam room bed and the technician will rub a water-based gel to your abdomen. So, while you should wear something comfy and easy to pull up you don’t need to worry about the gel ruining your clothes in any way. any of these comfy leggings paired with an oversized tee will do! 

Last but not least, there are never too many questions. At this early stage, you probably have a bunch and a good OBGYN will be happy to answer any and all of your questions. 

What You might See

Don’t be disappointed if you don’t see much or the sonogram doesn’t produce clear images. A 6 week ultrasound is very early and there will be later on to check in on your little bean! You also should not panic if the doctor cannot seem to find what they are looking for. often times at this point, how far along you think you are is not accurate and it may be earlier in your pregnancy than predicted.

Typically at a 6 week ultrasound, your doctor will find the fetal pole or the fetal heartbeat. This is really exciting and definitely something to look forward to!

Okay, so what even is a fetal pole? It is the shape of the embryo, which the doctor will measure to check development. They will be able to discern what side is the head and what side is the butt. Make sure to ask them to point out which is which to you. They may also be able to point out little buds that will eventually turn into their arms and legs.

The doctor will also check the embryo’s location in the uterus to make sure it has attached correctly.

Fun fact; if you are pregnant with multiples the doctor and you will be able to see on this early ultrasound. You can see their separate gestational sacs.

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